Health Alert Network

Health Alert Network (HAN) notifications are announcements released by local, state, and/or federal health authorities.  Rapid dissemination of these urgent public health announcements will be provided as necessary to physicians, hospitals, first responder agencies, laboratories, etc. to raise awareness of current health incidents or situations.

HAN Message Types:

Health Alert: Provides vital, time-sensitive information for a specific incident or situation. A Health Alert warrants immediate action or attention by health officials, laboratorians, clinicians, and members of the public and conveys the highest level of importance.

Health Advisory: Provides important information for a specific incident or situation. A Health Advisory contains recommendations or actionable items to be performed by public health officials, laboratorians, and/or clinicians and may not require immediate action.

Health Update: Provides updated information regarding an incident or situation and is unlikely to require immediate action.

Info Service: Provides general public health information and is unlikely to require immediate action.

*To join MOVHD’s Health Alert Network and receive notifications, fill out this form: OR contact MOVHD’s Threat Preparedness unit at (304) 485-7374.