
The purpose of the MOVHD Water Program is to ensure that the public’s health is protected through safe drinking water, proper well and water supply system construction, and site location evaluation for wells before installation. Prevention from contamination of the on-site water supply is a high priority of the program.

Individual Water Wells

MOVHD conducts water well permitting and sampling activities. A permit is required for the installation of a water well. To have a water well driller, you must use a Certified Water Well Driller. Applications are submitted to MOVHD with subsequent site visits conducted by the Sanitarian. Should the site comply with the Water Well Regulation requirements, a permit is issued. Final inspections of the completed well installation are conducted when MOVHD is notified or when MOVHD receives the Water Well Completion Report from the driller.

MOVHD also conducts bacteriological sampling on wells that are in compliance with the State of WV Water Well Design Standards. These samples are conducted on Monday – Wednesday with submission going to the State Laboratory. Contact your local MOVHD office to arrange for sampling.

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