The Mid-Ohio Valley Health Department (MOVHD) is in contact with the Washington County Sheriff’s Office, the Marietta-Belpre Health Department and other area officials to continue to monitor the situation with the indicted HIV-positive woman who may have had sexual contact with more than 200 people in multiple states. MOVHD always monitors for spikes in HIV and other communicable diseases in our area.
According to the CDC, symptoms of HIV can include flu-like symptoms 2-4 weeks after infection, and can last a few days to a few weeks. However, many people have no symptoms – the only way of knowing of infection is to get tested.
If anyone has concerns and would like testing, call your local health department or our office at 304-485-7374 to schedule a test.
HIV can be prevented by using condoms, never sharing needles or syringes, using PrEP or PEP, which are pre-exposure and post exposure prophylaxis, and HIV treatments to keep it from transmitting.