Resolve to Be Ready for Flooding

Many make New Year’s resolutions each year. The Mid-Ohio Valley Health Department’s Threat Preparedness section recommends making one to be prepared in case of a flood. 

According to FEMA, flooding is a factor in more than 90 percent of disaster-related property damage in the United States. Homeowners are encouraged to know their risk by checking their address at FEMA’s Flood Map Service Center at These will show flood-prone areas, though it is impossible to predict all flooding. It may also be beneficial for homeowners to purchase flooding insurance and for renters to buy a flood insurance contents policy.

FEMA has some other tips for preparing your home in case of flooding:

  • Clean/maintain gutters, downspouts, etc. so rainwater flows away from the house
  • Clean debris from drainage ditches/storm drains
  • Seal any foundation cracks with mortar/masonry chalk/hydraulic cement
  • Seal basement walls with waterproofing and make sure flood drains are unobstructed
  • Install a sump pump to move groundwater away from house
  • Install drain plugs for basement floor drains to prevent sewer backups
  • Have a plumber install sewer backflow valves to pipes
  • Elevate appliances like air-conditioning, water heaters, heat pumps, etc. at least one foot above potential flood height

An emergency kit is always a good place to start to be prepared. Visit for how to build your own.

“Remember ‘Turn Around, Don’t Drown,’ said Amy Phelps, public information officer for the Mid-Ohio Valley Health Department. “Don’t enter flooded areas whether or not you’re in your car. 6-inches of water can knock an adult off their feet and can cause vehicles to lose control or stall. Even small amounts of water can hide damage and debris.”

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